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Top 5 Reasons to Invest in Professional Floor Cleaning Before Selling Your Home

By Carpet Cleaning, Deep Cleaning, Floor Cleaning, Residential Cleaning Services

When preparing your home for sale, it’s crucial to present it in its best possible light. While many sellers focus on repainting walls or staging rooms, one often overlooked aspect is the condition of the floors. Professional floor cleaning can significantly impact first impressions and even influence the sale price of your home.

Here are the top five reasons why investing in professional floor cleaning is essential before listing your property.

  1. Enhances Visual Appeal

First impressions are vital in real estate. Dirty or stained floors can turn potential buyers off before they even explore the rest of your home. Professional floor cleaning removes these blemishes, restoring your floors’ natural beauty and making the entire home feel fresher and more inviting. Clean floors create a positive first impression that can stick with buyers as they tour your property.

RELATED ARTICLE: The Science of Stain Removal: How Carpet Cleaning Works

  1. Highlights Home Maintenance

Floors that are well-maintained send a message to prospective buyers about the overall upkeep of the home. When buyers see pristine floors, they are likely to assume that the rest of the property has also been kept in excellent condition. This perceived care reduces concerns about hidden maintenance issues, which can be a deciding factor in the buyer’s decision-making process. A survey by the National Association of Realtors revealed that 54% of buyers are willing to pay more for a home with hardwood floors that appear well-maintained.

  1. Improves Home Valuation

Clean floors can directly impact the valuation of your home. Real estate professionals consistently find that homes with floors in excellent condition can command higher asking prices. According to real estate experts, the return on investment for professional floor cleaning can be significant, sometimes increasing the sale price by more than the cost of the cleaning itself. This makes it not just a prudent choice for aesthetic reasons, but a financially wise one as well.

  1. Reduces Buyer Negotiation Points

Buyers often look for reasons to negotiate a lower price, and floors in poor condition can become a major bargaining chip. By investing in professional floor cleaning, you minimize the opportunities for buyers to request reductions based on the state of the floors. This strategic move can keep negotiations favorable and more likely to result in your desired sale price.

  1. Speeds-Up the Sale Process

A home with beautifully maintained floors tends to sell faster. Buyers can more easily envision themselves living in a clean and well-cared-for space, leading to quicker offers and fewer days on the market. Real estate agents often highlight clean floors in their listings, knowing that these homes attract more interest and more competitive bids.

RELATED ARTICLE: Upholstery Cleaning & Maintenance: Debunking Myths

What Real Estate Professionals Say

Real estate experts often emphasize the importance of clean floors. One seasoned real estate agent, notes, “Clean floors are one of the top features that prospective buyers notice during a showing. Our data shows that homes with professionally cleaned floors tend to receive offers faster than those without.” This sentiment is echoed in the industry, with many professionals recommending floor cleaning as a critical step in pre-sale home preparation.

A Worthwhile Investment

Investing in professional floor cleaning before selling your home is not just about aesthetics; it’s a strategic move that can lead to a faster sale and a higher sale price. With the potential to make a significant impact on buyer impressions and negotiations, it’s a small investment that carries substantial returns.

As you prepare to list your home, consider professional floor cleaning an essential part of your selling strategy. By presenting a home with immaculate floors, you set the stage for a successful and profitable sale.

Professional Surface Restoration is here to help. Contact us today for more information on how we can assist with keeping your home’s carpets clean and odor-free.

how carpet cleaning works - professional surface restoration - toledo carpet cleaner

The Science of Stain Removal: How Carpet Cleaning Works

By Carpet Cleaning, Deep Cleaning, Floor Cleaning

Carpets add warmth and comfort to any home, but they are also prone to attracting stains and dirt. Whether it’s a spilled cup of coffee, muddy footprints, or just the accumulation of everyday dust and grime, keeping carpets clean can seem like a daunting task. However, the science behind modern carpet cleaning is both fascinating and effective, employing various techniques and solutions to tackle different types of stains and carpet materials.

Here, we explore how the science of stain removal works, making it easier to understand why professional carpet cleaning is a-must for maintaining your home’s hygiene and appearance.

Understanding Carpet Fibers

To appreciate how carpet cleaning works, it’s important to first understand the materials involved. Most residential carpets are made from synthetic fibers such as nylon, polyester, or polypropylene, though some may be made of natural fibers like wool or cotton. Each type of fiber reacts differently to stains and cleaning solutions. Synthetic fibers, for instance, are generally more stain-resistant than natural fibers, which may require gentler cleaning agents to avoid damage.

RELATED ARTICLE: Don’t Let Stains Steal the Show: Make Your Floors Party-Ready

The Chemistry of Cleaning

Carpet cleaning isn’t just about removing visible dirt; it’s about understanding the chemical interactions between cleaning solutions and stains.

Here’s how various cleaning techniques work on a chemical level:

  1. Encapsulation

Encapsulation technology involves using synthetic polymers that, when applied as a cleaning solution, surround or ‘encapsulate’ dirt particles. As the solution dries, it forms a crystalline structure around the dirt, which can then be vacuumed away easily. This method is highly effective for light soiling and regular maintenance cleaning, leaving no sticky residues and providing a long-lasting clean.

  1. Enzymatic Cleaners

Ideal for organic stains like food, urine, or blood, enzymatic cleaners work by breaking down complex organic molecules into simpler substances that are less sticky and easier to remove. The enzymes in these cleaners essentially “eat away” the stain, making them particularly effective for pet stains or food spills.

  1. Hot Water Extraction

Often referred to as steam cleaning, hot water extraction is a deeper cleaning method. It involves injecting hot water and a cleaning solution deep into the carpet fibers, then extracting the water along with dissolved dirt and grime. This method not only removes stains but also sanitizes the carpet, killing bacteria and removing allergens.

RELATED ARTICLE: Upholstery Cleaning & Maintenance: Debunking Myths

The Role of pH in Carpet Cleaning

The pH level of a cleaning solution can significantly affect its cleaning efficiency. Acidic solutions (lower pH) are excellent for removing mineral stains, like rust, while alkaline solutions (higher pH) are more effective against organic stains. Professional carpet cleaners, like Professional Surface Restoration, adjust the pH level of their cleaning agents according to the type of stain and the carpet’s material to achieve the best results without damaging the fibers.

Professional Techniques and Equipment

Professional carpet cleaners have access to advanced equipment and compounds that can tackle a wide range of stains and dirt types. They use industrial-grade vacuum cleaners for dry soil removal, followed by specialized treatments tailored to the specific needs of the carpet and the nature of any stains. By understanding the science behind each type of stain and fiber, professionals can select the most effective treatment, ensuring that carpets are not only clean but also maintain their quality and longevity.

The Takeaway: Keeping Your Carpets Clean and Fresh

Understanding the science behind carpet cleaning highlights the importance of professional intervention. While regular vacuuming is essential for daily maintenance, the deep cleaning technologies used by professionals like Professional Surface Restore ensure that your carpets remain in pristine condition, free from deep-seated dirt and stubborn stains.

Professional Surface Restoration is here to help. Contact us today for more information on how we can assist with keeping your home’s carpets clean and odor-free.

professional floor cleaning for business - professional surface restoration

Why Regular Professional Floor Cleaning is Essential for Your Business

By Commercial Cleaning Services, Commercial Floors, Deep Cleaning

In today’s fast-paced business environment, maintaining a clean and welcoming workspace is not just about making a good impression—it’s a fundamental component of operational success. Regular professional floor cleaning is one of the most critical aspects of this maintenance. Not only does it enhance the appearance of your business, but it also brings substantial health, economic, and regulatory benefits.

Let’s delve deeper into why prioritizing this service can be a game-changer for your business.

Health Benefits: A Cleaner Environment for Everyone

The health of your employees and customers should always be a top priority. Floors, especially in high-traffic areas, are breeding grounds for bacteria, allergens, and viruses. Regular sweeping and mopping are helpful but often insufficient for deep cleaning and sanitization. Professional floor cleaners use specialized equipment and cleaning solutions that are far more effective at removing these harmful elements.

By investing in professional floor cleaning services, you ensure a higher standard of cleanliness and hygiene. This is particularly crucial in industries like healthcare, food service, and retail, where clean floors can directly impact health outcomes. Moreover, a cleaner environment reduces sick days among employees, enhancing productivity and ensuring a healthier workspace.

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Economic Advantages: Cost-Efficiency in the Long Run

While the upfront cost of professional floor cleaning might seem like a luxury, the long-term savings are significant. Floors that are regularly and properly maintained require fewer repairs and last longer than those that are not. For example, dirt and grit can erode the surfaces of floors, leading to unsightly scratches and a prematurely worn appearance. This can necessitate costly flooring replacements and repairs.

Professional cleaning helps to preserve the lifespan of your flooring materials, whether you’re dealing with carpets, hardwood, or tile. By extending the life of your floors, you minimize replacement costs, turning regular cleaning into a smart financial investment rather than an expense.

Aesthetic Benefits: Enhancing Your Business Image

The aesthetic appeal of a well-maintained floor cannot be overstated. It reflects the professionalism of your business and impacts first impressions. Clean, shiny floors convey a message of attention to detail and care for the visitor experience, which can be incredibly influential in customer retention and satisfaction.

Regular professional cleaning ensures that every corner of your business space reflects your commitment to quality and cleanliness, encouraging higher foot traffic and potentially increasing sales and customer loyalty.

RELATED ARTICLE: Epoxy Floor Tips to Keep Them Looking New

Navigating Challenges: Traffic and Regulations

High-traffic businesses face unique challenges. The constant flow of people brings increased dirt and wear, which can quickly degrade the quality of your flooring without proper maintenance. Professional cleaners are equipped to handle these challenges, ensuring that floors not only look clean but are also safe from hazards like slips and falls caused by uneven wear or built-up grime.

Moreover, certain industries are bound by strict cleanliness regulations set by local or federal authorities. Regular professional cleaning ensures compliance with these regulations, helping you avoid fines and legal issues while upholding industry standards.

Commercial Floor Cleaning: A Necessary Investment

Regular professional floor cleaning is an indispensable service for any business committed to maintaining a healthy, aesthetically pleasing, and regulation-compliant environment. The benefits extend beyond mere cleanliness, impacting your business economically, health-wise, and operationally.

If you’re ready to elevate the standard of cleanliness in your business, consider reaching out to a professional commercial cleaning service like Professional Surface Restoration. With the right expertise and tools, they can ensure that your flooring is not only clean but also contributes positively to your business’s success. Remember, when it comes to maintaining your business premises, the foundation starts from the ground up—with your floors.

how to deep clean carpets and upholstery - professional surface restoration

How to Deep Clean Your Carpets and Upholstery for a Fresh Spring Start

By Carpet Cleaning, Deep Cleaning, Spring Cleaning, Upholstery Cleaning

As you welcome the refreshing breeze of spring, it’s time to infuse your home with the same sense of renewal. Your carpets and upholstery — which are often overlooked — hold the key to transforming your living space. However, deep cleaning can be a daunting task filled with uncertainties.

Where do you start? What products should you use? How can you ensure effective, eco-friendly cleaning without compromising the longevity of your fabrics?

Here, we walk you through every step for how to deep clean your carpets and upholstery, ensuring your efforts yield the best results.

Why Deep Cleaning Matters

Before diving into the cleaning process, let’s understand why deep cleaning your carpets and upholstery is crucial. Over time, these fabrics accumulate dust, allergens, and microorganisms, which affect the air quality in your home and the health of your family. A thorough clean not only enhances the appearance of your fabrics but also extends their lifespan, saving you money in the long run.

RELATED ARTICLE: The Psychology of Spring Cleaning: How a Tidy Space Influences Mental Well-Being

Steps for Deep Cleaning Carpets and Upholstery for Spring

Assessing Your Carpets and Upholstery

The first step is to assess the condition of your carpets and upholstery. Look for areas with heavy foot traffic, spots with stains, and sections that seem faded or worn. Understanding the material and fabric type is crucial, as it determines the cleaning methods and products you should use.

Gathering the Right Tools and Products

Equipping yourself with the right tools and cleaning solutions is vital for effective deep cleaning. Opt for a high-quality vacuum cleaner, suitable brushes, and eco-friendly cleaning solutions that are tough on stains but gentle on the environment. Remember — the goal is not only to clean but also to preserve the integrity of your fabrics and contribute to a healthier ecosystem.

Step-by-Step Deep Cleaning Process

  • Vacuuming: Start by thoroughly vacuuming your carpets and upholstery to remove surface dirt and dust.
  • Stain Treatment: Pre-treat any stains with an appropriate stain remover. Always test a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure colorfastness.
  • Deep Cleaning: Use a carpet cleaner or a steam cleaner for deep penetration into the fibers, extracting embedded dirt and allergens.
  • Spot Cleaning Upholstery: Be gentle with upholstery; use a soft brush and upholstery shampoo for spot cleaning.

RELATED ARTICLE: Spring Refresh: A Guide to Residential Deep Cleaning

Drying and Ventilation

After cleaning, ensure proper drying and ventilation. Open windows and use fans to circulate air. Avoid using the cleaned areas until they are completely dry to prevent re-soiling and maintain the fabric’s quality.

Final Inspection

Once dry, conduct a final inspection. Look for any missed spots or areas that might need a touch-up.

Maintaining Clean Carpets and Upholstery

To keep your carpets and upholstery looking fresh beyond spring, regular maintenance is key. Vacuum weekly, address spills immediately, and consider implementing a no-shoes policy.

Revitalize Your Home with Deep-Cleaned Carpets and Upholstery

As the final blossoms of spring usher in a sense of renewal and freshness, you now have the tools and knowledge to bring that same rejuvenating energy into your home. Through the steps outlined in this guide, your carpets and upholstery can be transformed from overlooked fabrics to vibrant centerpieces of your living space.

Seasonal Deep Cleaning for Property Managers - Professional Surface Restoration

Seasonal Deep Cleaning for Property Managers

By Carpet Cleaning, Commercial Cleaning Services, Deep Cleaning

Maintaining a seasonal deep cleaning schedule in commercial rental spaces is a challenge that many busy property manager’s face. This issue is most prevalent when you’re shifting between tenants.

However, there’s a way to ensure a clean rental space and maintain tenant satisfaction even when your workload is hefty. Here, we delve into the unique challenges of deep cleaning between tenants and share best practices to facilitate a smooth transition.

Deep Cleaning Between Tenants

Seasonal deep cleaning is critical in preparing a rental unit for new occupants. This process involves thorough cleaning of every nook and cranny, from carpets and walls to appliances and fixtures.

Start with a comprehensive assessment of the property to identify areas that require special attention. Always take note of areas with heavy foot traffic, such as living rooms and kitchens.

Consider hiring professional deep cleaning service to ensure a thorough and efficient deep clean. This investment can save time and enhance the overall appeal of the property.

Don’t forget about spaces that are easy to miss, like vents, blinds, and baseboards. A meticulous approach will impress incoming tenants and contribute to the long-term maintenance of the property.

RELATED ARTICLE: Spring Refresh: A Guide to Residential Deep Cleaning

Conducting Inspections

When a tenant moves out, ask them about any structural issues they encountered during their stay. On top of that, you should still conduct an inspection of your own.

Always check for plumbing leaks, electrical problems, and any signs of pest infestations. Addressing these issues early on can prevent further damage and ensure the property is in top condition for the new tenant.

Regular inspections throughout a tenant’s lease term can also help identify potential problems early on, reducing the workload during turnover. Establishing a proactive maintenance schedule will enhance the property’s value and foster a positive relationship with tenants.

RELATED ARTICLE: Is Bleach Bad for Grout?

Tenant Communication 

Clear communication with outgoing tenants is essential for a smooth transition. Provide a checklist outlining their responsibilities before moving out, such as cleaning appliances, patching small holes in walls, and removing all personal belongings.

Additionally, communicate the expectations for the condition in which they should turn over the property. Transparency about the deep cleaning process and any deductions from the security deposit for unaddressed issues will help manage expectations and avoid disputes.

Deep Cleaning Checklist for Commercial Properties

For commercial rental properties, your deep cleaning checklist may vary depending on the property type. Here’s a general list of areas you should focus on:

  • Shared spaces, such as lobbies and restrooms
  • Individual offices or retail spaces
  • Carpets, floors, and windows
  • Common equipment
  • Kitchen and break room areas
  • Storage rooms or closets

Don’t forget to also check for building code violations or safety hazards that may need addressing.

Maintain a Clean Space All the Time

Maintaining a clean rental space throughout a tenant’s lease term is crucial for their satisfaction and the property’s overall condition. At Professional Surface Restoration, our comprehensive approach to commercial cleaning ensures thorough cleaning and ongoing maintenance to keep your property in pristine condition.

Contact us now, and let’s give your rental space the deep cleaning it needs.

spring residential deep cleaning - professional surface restoration - toledo deep cleaning

Spring Refresh: A Guide to Residential Deep Cleaning

By Carpet Cleaning, Deep Cleaning, Floor Cleaning, Furniture Cleaning, Natural Stone Cleaning, Spring Cleaning, Tile and Grout, Upholstery Cleaning, Wood Floor Cleaning

As the vibrant colors of spring start to emerge, it’s the perfect time to rejuvenate your living space with a thorough residential deep cleaning. Winter can leave behind a trail of dirt, dust, and grime, making it essential to give your home a fresh start. Here, we delve into practical techniques for carpet care, tile and grout maintenance, hardwood floor revival, and upholstery cleaning.

Carpet Cleaning: A Fresh Start

  1. Regular maintenance: Establishing a routine of regular vacuuming is the foundation of carpet care. Consistent vacuuming removes surface debris and prevents dirt from embedding deep within the carpet fibers, preserving its longevity and appearance.
  2. Natural carpet freshener: Say goodbye to synthetic air fresheners and opt for a natural alternative. Create a delightful carpet freshener by combining baking soda with a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Sprinkle this mixture liberally over your carpets, allowing it to sit for at least 15 minutes before vacuuming. The result is a cleaner carpet and a home infused with a subtle, natural fragrance.
  3. Stain spotting: Accidents happen, but dealing with stains promptly is key. Mix a small amount of mild dish soap with water to create a gentle cleaning solution. To stop the discoloration from spreading, use a clean cloth to delicately dab the area, starting from the edges and working your way inwards.

RELATED ARTICLE: The Long-Tern Benefits of Professional Carpet Cleaning

Tile and Grout: Restoring Brilliance

  1. Vinegar solution: Grout lines can lose brilliance over time due to accumulated dirt and grime. A simple solution of equal parts water and white vinegar in a spray bottle can work wonders. Spray the solution onto the grout, let it sit for a few minutes, and then scrub with a grout brush. The result is a refreshed and brighter appearance.
  2. Lemon and baking soda: For an all-natural and effective tile cleaner, combine baking soda with lemon juice to make a paste. Scrub the tiles carefully with the paste, and then wipe them clean. The natural acidity of lemon helps break down stains while baking soda provides a gentle abrasive action for a renewed shine.

RELATED ARTICLE: Is Bleach Bad for Grout?

Hardwood Floors: Unveil Timeless Elegance

  1. Gentle cleaning mixture: Preserve the timeless elegance of hardwood floors with a mild cleaning solution. Combine water with a small amount of pH-neutral dish soap, dampen a mop, and ensure it is well-wrung before cleaning the floors. This approach ensures that your hardwood maintains its natural beauty without the risk of excess moisture.
  2. Tea solution for shine: Brew a pot of black tea, let it cool, and use it to mop your hardwood floors. The tannins in tea add a subtle sheen to the wood while providing a protective layer. This natural method not only cleans but enhances the luster of your hardwood floors.

RELATED ARTICLE: From Sweeping to Mopping: How to Properly Clean Wood Floors

Upholstery Cleaning: Rejuvenate Your Furniture

  1. Fabric brush: For routine care, invest in a fabric brush to gently remove surface dust and prevent it from settling into the fabric. Regular brushing keeps your furniture looking fresh and helps maintain the fabric’s texture.
  2. Vacuum with care: Utilize your vacuum’s upholstery attachment to clean fabric surfaces. Pay attention to crevices and corners, where dirt tends to accumulate. This simple step ensures a thorough cleaning, leaving your upholstery looking and feeling revitalized.

RELATED ARTICLE: 5 Tips to Get the Most Out of Upholstery Cleaning Services

Welcome Spring 2024 with a Refreshed Home

As spring blossoms, take the opportunity to refresh your living space with a deep cleaning. You can embrace the season with a rejuvenated home by incorporating these techniques for carpet care, tile and grout maintenance, hardwood floor revival, and upholstery refreshment.

For a truly transformative experience, consider reaching out to Professional Surface Restoration. Our dedicated team of experts is equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to breathe new life into your home. Say goodbye to winter blues and hello to a fresh, vibrant living space.

holiday deep cleaning - professional surface restoration

Holiday Deep Cleaning: Before and After

By Carpet Cleaning, Deep Cleaning, Floor Cleaning, Furniture Cleaning, Holiday Cleaning

As the festive season approaches, families eagerly anticipate the arrival of loved ones and the joyous celebrations that come with it. It’s easy to put off housework while you rush around getting ready for the holidays, but consider a thorough deep cleaning to ensure your home is a haven of warmth and hospitality. Here, we guide you through the holiday deep cleaning process, room by room, and highlight the transformative effects of expert services.

Importance of Holiday Cleaning

Both before and after the celebrations, a well-kept home serves as the backdrop for memorable gatherings, enabling everyone to immerse themselves in the joy of the season without any unwanted distractions. Whether it’s the anticipation of guests’ arrival or the post-celebration wind-down, the impact of a clean home resonates throughout the holiday experience.

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Tips and Tricks for Deep Cleaning Your Home


The heart of the home deserves special attention. Start by decluttering countertops and organizing cabinets. Wipe down surfaces, including appliances, with vinegar and water. Don’t forget to clean out the refrigerator, discarding expired items. For a finishing touch, mop the floors to leave your kitchen sparkling.


A pristine bathroom is a necessity for holiday guests. Scrub surfaces with a disinfectant cleaner, including the sink, toilet, and shower. Replace worn-out shower curtains and freshen up towels. Consider adding a scented diffuser or candles for a pleasant fragrance.

Living Room

The living room is where friends and family gather, making it a focal point for your deep cleaning efforts. Revitalize your living space by vacuuming upholstery and fluffing pillows. Dust all surfaces, including shelves and electronics. If you have a fireplace, ensure it’s clean and ready for use. Consider rearranging furniture for a fresh look and an optimal flow of conversation during gatherings.


Ensure your guests enjoy a comfortable night’s sleep by deep cleaning the bedroom. Wash bedding, including sheets and pillowcases, and vacuum the mattress. Dust surfaces and clean windows for a bright and inviting atmosphere. Consider adding festive touches, such as holiday-themed throw pillows.

RELATED ARTICLE: Deep Cleaning for the Holiday Season: Preparing Your Home

Deep Cleaning Services

Sometimes, the holiday rush leaves little time for thorough cleaning. In such cases, professional deep cleaning services can be a lifesaver. Professional Surface Restoration offers a range of specialized services to address the unique needs of each room in your home. From carpets to countertops, our experienced team employs cutting-edge techniques and eco-friendly products to achieve exceptional results.

Carpet Cleaning

Over time, carpets accumulate dirt, stains, and allergens. Our professional carpet cleaning services utilize powerful equipment and industry-leading solutions to rejuvenate carpets. Experience the transformative effect as colors brighten and textures revive, making your home feel cozy and luxurious.

Tile and Grout Cleaning

Tiles and grout, especially in high-traffic areas, can lose their luster. Our tile and grout cleaning services use advanced cleaning agents and methods to restore the original beauty of your surfaces. Say goodbye to stubborn stains and discoloration, and welcome back the brilliance of your tiled spaces.

Transform Your Home for the Holidays with Professional Deep Cleaning

Elevate your home’s ambiance with the magic of deep cleaning this holiday season. Professional Surface Restoration is your trusted partner in achieving a spotless and welcoming space for your cherished guests.

Contact us to book our services to experience the transformative before-and-after effects that will leave your home gleaming and ready for joyful celebrations.

deep cleaning for the holidays - carpet cleaning - professional surface restoration

Deep Cleaning for the Holiday Season: Preparing Your Home

By Deep Cleaning

The holiday season is a time for celebration and spending quality moments with loved ones. As you get ready to welcome family and friends into your home, it’s essential to ensure that your living space is not only inviting but also impeccably clean. This is where Professional Surface Restoration, a fully licensed and insured deep-cleaning company, comes in as your trusted advisor to help you achieve a pristine and welcoming atmosphere for the holidays.

Carpet Cleaning: Extending Carpet Lifespan

Carpets are vital in the overall aesthetics and comfort of your home. However, regular foot traffic, spills, and the accumulation of dust and dirt can take a toll on their appearance and longevity. Professional carpet cleaning can make a significant difference to your home’s appearance and odor.

RELATED ARTICLE: The Long-Tern Benefits of Professional Carpet Cleaning

Advantages of Professional Carpet Cleaning

  1. Extending carpet lifespan: Regular professional carpet cleaning is essential to extend carpet lifespan. Over time, dirt and allergens embedded in the fibers cause deterioration. Professional cleaning removes these particles, preventing irreversible damage.
  2. Preserving appearance and color: Carpets add character to your living space and commercial spaces, but daily use can remove vibrancy. Professional carpet cleaning removes dirt and stains, reviving the colors and patterns of your carpets.
  3. Creating a healthy indoor environment: Clean carpets contribute to a healthy indoor environment by trapping allergens, dust mites, pet dander, and pollutants. Professional cleaning eliminates these hidden health hazards.

Tile and Grout Cleaning: Restoring Shine and Freshness

Tile and grout are popular choices for kitchens and bathrooms due to their durability and aesthetic appeal. However, over time, grime, mold, and stains can build up in the grout lines and on the tile surface, detracting from their beauty. Professional tile and grout cleaning can make a significant difference.

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Advantages of Professional Tile and Grout Cleaning

  1. Restoring shine: Professional cleaning brings back the shine and luster of your tiles. Our advanced equipment and specialized cleaning agents effectively remove built-up grime, ensuring your tiles look as good as new.
  2. Deep cleaning: Unlike regular cleaning methods, professional tile and grout cleaning reach deep into grout lines, eliminating stubborn stains and mold. This not only enhances the appearance of your tiles but also extends their lifespan.
  3. Protecting your investment: Tiles and grout are a considerable investment in your home. Professional cleaning ensures they remain in top condition, preserving their value.
  4. Enhancing property value: Clean and well-maintained carpets positively impact your property’s value. A well-maintained space with clean carpets is more likely to attract buyers and command a higher resale value.

Experience Professional Surface Restoration Today

As you prepare for the holiday season, consider investing in professional carpet cleaning and tile and grout cleaning to create a welcoming and immaculate home for your guests. The benefits of these services extend beyond aesthetics, contributing to a healthier indoor environment and the longevity of your flooring.

At Professional Surface Restoration, we take pride in delivering professional, affordable, and high-quality services. There are no surprises or hidden charges — we clean your floors and hard surfaces like they’ve never been cleaned before. Trust us to help you transform your home for the holidays and protect your investment.

Contact us today!

how to clean and maintain epoxy floors - professional surface restoration

How to Clean and Maintain Epoxy Flooring

By Deep Cleaning, Epoxy Floors

Epoxy flooring is a durable floor coating commonly used for garage floors, basements, and industrial settings. It is up to five times thicker than regular paint which makes it an ideal option for high-traffic areas and environments with heavy machinery. Epoxy is expected to last for many years on basement and garage floors, but it still needs regular cleaning and maintenance.

The Importance of Epoxy Flooring Maintenance

All types of flooring need cleaning. If you want your floors to reach their expected lifespan, you should consider getting them cleaned often. Ignoring dirt and grime will scratch the flooring, leaving permanent damage. The same may happen if you leave spills unmanaged.

All forms of neglect lead to one spot in the end — expensive restoration and replacement fees. Before you run out of choices and spend between $3 and $7 per square foot on repairs, consider regular cleaning and maintenance.

RELATED ARTICLE: Why Basement Epoxy Flooring Is a Great Investment

How to Clean Epoxy Flooring

Cleaning epoxy flooring is easy. You can get the job done without calling the pros, especially if you follow a regular cleaning schedule. For mild dirt and stains, you will only need the following materials:

  •  A soft deck brush, dish pad, or microfiber mop
  • Warm water
  • Ammonia and water solution
  • Broom or vacuum with a soft brush attachment.

Now, here’s how to clean epoxy flooring.

Sweeping and Mopping

Epoxy floors are durable, but any object that is sharp enough can scratch the surface. This is why you should sweep your floors frequently.

After sweeping, consider a round of mopping to remove traces of stains and grime. Cleaners that contain strong chemicals are not recommended to use on epoxy floors. Instead, use diluted ammonia.

You can make the solution by mixing two ounces of ammonia and a gallon of water. Remember to rinse the floor and allow it to dry before putting your stuff back.

RELATED ARTICLE: DIY vs. Professional Epoxy Flooring Installation

Removing Stains

In most cases, diluted ammonia is enough to remove stains on epoxy. However, for more stubborn stains, you may use mild soap and water.

When it comes to rust marks, using a lactic-based cleaner is the safest for epoxy floors. It is easy to prepare. Simply mix equal parts of water and lactic-based cleaner to make an epoxy floor cleaner for rust.

Addressing Chemical Spills

Always spot clean spills, especially oil and strong chemicals. If you can, do not let chemicals sit on the epoxy surface for more than two minutes. You should clean them immediately with soap and water.

Applying the Right Cleaning Solutions

You don’t need to use commercial cleaning products and strong chemicals like bleach to clean your epoxy floor. Using an ammonia cleaning solution works best for this type of surface. However, never use pure ammonia. Lastly, rinse the surface after applying any cleaning agent to prevent damage.

Contact Us for Your Garage Epoxy Flooring Needs

Stains are not created equal and neither are the cleaning products in the market. Trying to clean stubborn stains and dirt without proper knowledge can make matters worse. It’s always best to get professional cleaning services for serious epoxy flooring dirt and stains.

With the right knowledge and experience, you can ensure that your epoxy floors still look clean and shiny even after many years of use.

Professional Surface Restoration specializes in modern hard surface deep-cleaning solutions. Book an appointment with us for professional floor cleaning services at affordable prices. Contact us today to know more!

Carpet Cleaning Mistakes of Pet Owners - professional surface restoration

5 Common Carpet Cleaning Mistakes of Pet Owners

By Carpet Cleaning, Deep Cleaning, Pet Accidents

Just thinking about cleaning after your pet’s carpet mess can be exhausting. You want to ensure that everything is taken care of correctly and that no further damage is done. But unfortunately, many pet owners make mistakes when cleaning their carpets after an accident.

But don’t worry! We’re here to help you make the process easier.

Here, we help you identify these common carpet cleaning mistakes so you can avoid them and get your carpets back in tip-top shape.

Carpet Cleaning Mistake 1: Not Eliminating Stains Immediately

Stains are your carpet’s worst enemy, so as soon as your pet has an accident on your carpet, you should be ready to take action.

If the area is still wet and hasn’t had time to set in yet, you can blot the stain with a rag or paper towel.

However, if it’s been some time since the incident happened and the stain has already started to set in, then you will need to use a cleaning solution and blot away the stain until it disappears completely.

RELATED ARTICLE: Dos and Don’ts When Deep Cleaning for Spring

Mistake 2: Rubbing and Scrubbing Carpets

Carpets are delicate, and rubbing or scrubbing them can cause the fibers to become matted down and the colors to fade.

Instead of using a stiff brush or deep scrubbing motion, use a gentle dabbing motion when cleaning the stain.

This will help preserve your carpets’ original color and texture while effectively removing pet stains. Further, we recommend using a steam cleaner instead of scrubbing, as this is the gentlest and most efficient way to get rid of pet stains.

Mistake 3: Not Removing Pet Urine before Cleaning

Sometimes, we get so focused on cleaning that we forget to remove pet urine before cleaning.

Removing pet urine is essential in carpet cleaning because it prevents permanent staining and unpleasant odors from occurring.

Before using any cleaning solution, blot or remove as much pet urine as possible with a paper towel, rag, or vacuum cleaner. This will help make the rest of the cleaning process much easier.

RELATED ARTICLE: Facts You Should Know About Upholstery Cleaning

Mistake 4: Not Contacting a Professional Cleaning Service

You’re likely reading this blog because you don’t have the right carpet-cleaning products or techniques to remove pet stains.

That’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Professional cleaning services specialize in carpet cleaning and can help ensure that your carpets are adequately taken care of.

Feel free to contact a professional if you’re overwhelmed with the task or haven’t been able to get out of those extra stubborn stains.

RELATED ARTICLE: How to Clean Carpet That Has Pet Urine

Mistake 5: Failure to Vacuum Regularly

Lastly, it’s important to vacuum regularly. Vacuuming your carpets not only keeps them clean but also prevents pet accidents from occurring in the first place.

Regular vacuuming removes dirt and debris that can accumulate in carpet fibers, making your carpets a less attractive target for pets.

Make sure you keep up with this routine to maintain clean carpets!

Need Some Help? Professional Surface Restoration Is Here

Cleaning your carpets after a pet accident doesn’t have to be as daunting or overwhelming as it may seem. You can keep your carpets looking new for years with the right products and techniques.

If you’re still unsure about cleaning up pet accidents yourself, Professional Surface Restoration is here to help. Contact us today for more information on how we can assist with keeping your home’s carpets clean and odor-free.