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Tile and Grout

Make Your Floors Party-Ready - Professional Surface Restoration

Don’t Let Stains Steal the Show. Make Your Floors Party-Ready Easily!

By Carpet Cleaning, Residential Cleaning Services, Spring Cleaning, Tile and Grout, Upholstery Cleaning, Wood Floor Cleaning

As the warm weather rolls in, it’s the perfect time to throw open the doors and gather friends and family for those memorable late spring and early summer celebrations. Whether it’s a high school graduation bash, a casual get-together, or an elegant soirée, every host dreams of creating a flawless setting for their guests. However, with party planning comes the challenge of ensuring your home looks its absolute best, starting with the most impactful element—your floors.

From lush carpets to gleaming hardwoods, ensure your floors sparkle and leave a lasting impression on your guests with some expert advice.

The Importance of Immaculate Floors

Your floors are more than just a surface people walk on; they’re often the first thing guests notice when they enter your home. Clean, well-maintained flooring speaks volumes about your attention to detail and helps set the tone for the entire event. Stains, dirt, and dullness can detract from the ambiance you’ve worked so hard to create, making your space feel less inviting.

RELATED ARTICLE: Green Cleaning: Eco-Friendly Solutions for a Healthier Spring Clean

Tackling Various Types of Flooring

Each type of flooring requires a specific approach to ensure it looks its best. Here’s how to handle each one:


Carpets are notorious for holding onto stains and odors. A professional carpet cleaning service can rejuvenate your carpets, lifting away dirt and stubborn stains that regular vacuuming can’t handle. This not only improves the appearance of your carpets but also the overall air quality in your home.

Tile & Grout

Grout can accumulate grime and discoloration that makes your entire floor look aged. Professional tile and grout cleaning services use specialized cleaning solutions and high-powered equipment to restore the original sparkle of your tiles, making them look brand new.

Hardwood Floors

The natural beauty of hardwood floors can be overshadowed by scratches and dullness. A professional clean and polish can enhance the wood’s natural grain and provide a protective layer that resists further damage, ensuring your floors remain a highlight.

Upholstery and Area Rugs

Don’t overlook upholstered furniture and area rugs, as these can also impact the overall cleanliness and aesthetic of your party space. A thorough clean can remove allergens, dust, and stains, brightening up the room instantly.

The Professional Surface Restoration Advantage

At Pro Surface Restore, we understand the importance of having pristine floors for your special events. Our team of experts is equipped with the latest technology and cleaning methods to ensure your flooring and upholstery look their best. We offer customized solutions for all types of flooring, ensuring each surface receives the care it requires without compromising on the quality and durability of your flooring.

RELATED ARTICLE: How to Deep Clean Your Carpets and Upholstery for a Fresh Spring Start

Why Choose Professional Cleaning Before Your Party?

Lasting First Impressions: Sparkling floors not only enhance the beauty of your home but also leave a lasting impression on your guests, making your party a talked-about event for all the right reasons.

Stress-Free Preparation: By entrusting the cleaning of your floors to professionals, you can focus on other aspects of party planning, like décor and catering, without being bogged down by the daunting task of deep cleaning.

Healthier Environment: A professional clean removes more than just dirt; it also reduces allergens and bacteria, creating a healthier environment for you and your guests.

Professional Cleaning FAQs

Got questions? We’ve got answers! Browse our FAQs section below to find quick solutions and helpful tips for all your flooring care needs. Whether you’re curious about specific cleaning techniques or need advice on maintaining different types of surfaces, we’re here to help you keep your floors looking flawless.

Q. Is your service affordable?

A. Yes, we offer professional, cost-effective surface restoration that fits within your budget.

Q. Can I trust your cleaning methods?

A. Absolutely, our cleaning methods are EPA-approved and environmentally friendly.

Q. How long does the cleaning process take?

A. Our service is quick and efficient, saving you time for more important tasks.

Q. Are your cleaning products safe for kids and pets?

A. Yes, our solutions are child and pet-friendly, ensuring a safe environment.

Q. Will the cleaning really last?

A. Yes, our advanced techniques and monthly maintenance program ensure long-lasting results.

Q. Do you offer any guarantees?

A. Yes, our work is guaranteed for your peace of mind and satisfaction.

Q. Does your service work for all types of surfaces?

A. Yes, we clean various hard surfaces including tile, grout, concrete, granite, and more.

Q. Can you remove stubborn stains?

A. Yes, we effectively eliminate tough stains that diminish your floor’s appearance.

Q. What if I’m not happy with the results?

A. You won’t be disappointed; we also offer free demos and estimates.

Get Party-Ready with Professional Surface Restoration

Don’t let the stress of pre-party preparations dampen your spirits. Let Pro Surface Restore take the hassle out of getting your home ready for your next big event. Our experts are here to ensure your floors and upholstery are not just clean, but party-ready!

Embrace the joy of the season with confidence, knowing your home will shine from the floor up at your next gathering. Call (419) 705-8693 or contact Professional Surface Restoration today to schedule your pre-party cleaning and make your floors a highlight of your event!

spring residential deep cleaning - professional surface restoration - toledo deep cleaning

Spring Refresh: A Guide to Residential Deep Cleaning

By Carpet Cleaning, Deep Cleaning, Floor Cleaning, Furniture Cleaning, Natural Stone Cleaning, Spring Cleaning, Tile and Grout, Upholstery Cleaning, Wood Floor Cleaning

As the vibrant colors of spring start to emerge, it’s the perfect time to rejuvenate your living space with a thorough residential deep cleaning. Winter can leave behind a trail of dirt, dust, and grime, making it essential to give your home a fresh start. Here, we delve into practical techniques for carpet care, tile and grout maintenance, hardwood floor revival, and upholstery cleaning.

Carpet Cleaning: A Fresh Start

  1. Regular maintenance: Establishing a routine of regular vacuuming is the foundation of carpet care. Consistent vacuuming removes surface debris and prevents dirt from embedding deep within the carpet fibers, preserving its longevity and appearance.
  2. Natural carpet freshener: Say goodbye to synthetic air fresheners and opt for a natural alternative. Create a delightful carpet freshener by combining baking soda with a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Sprinkle this mixture liberally over your carpets, allowing it to sit for at least 15 minutes before vacuuming. The result is a cleaner carpet and a home infused with a subtle, natural fragrance.
  3. Stain spotting: Accidents happen, but dealing with stains promptly is key. Mix a small amount of mild dish soap with water to create a gentle cleaning solution. To stop the discoloration from spreading, use a clean cloth to delicately dab the area, starting from the edges and working your way inwards.

RELATED ARTICLE: The Long-Tern Benefits of Professional Carpet Cleaning

Tile and Grout: Restoring Brilliance

  1. Vinegar solution: Grout lines can lose brilliance over time due to accumulated dirt and grime. A simple solution of equal parts water and white vinegar in a spray bottle can work wonders. Spray the solution onto the grout, let it sit for a few minutes, and then scrub with a grout brush. The result is a refreshed and brighter appearance.
  2. Lemon and baking soda: For an all-natural and effective tile cleaner, combine baking soda with lemon juice to make a paste. Scrub the tiles carefully with the paste, and then wipe them clean. The natural acidity of lemon helps break down stains while baking soda provides a gentle abrasive action for a renewed shine.

RELATED ARTICLE: Is Bleach Bad for Grout?

Hardwood Floors: Unveil Timeless Elegance

  1. Gentle cleaning mixture: Preserve the timeless elegance of hardwood floors with a mild cleaning solution. Combine water with a small amount of pH-neutral dish soap, dampen a mop, and ensure it is well-wrung before cleaning the floors. This approach ensures that your hardwood maintains its natural beauty without the risk of excess moisture.
  2. Tea solution for shine: Brew a pot of black tea, let it cool, and use it to mop your hardwood floors. The tannins in tea add a subtle sheen to the wood while providing a protective layer. This natural method not only cleans but enhances the luster of your hardwood floors.

RELATED ARTICLE: From Sweeping to Mopping: How to Properly Clean Wood Floors

Upholstery Cleaning: Rejuvenate Your Furniture

  1. Fabric brush: For routine care, invest in a fabric brush to gently remove surface dust and prevent it from settling into the fabric. Regular brushing keeps your furniture looking fresh and helps maintain the fabric’s texture.
  2. Vacuum with care: Utilize your vacuum’s upholstery attachment to clean fabric surfaces. Pay attention to crevices and corners, where dirt tends to accumulate. This simple step ensures a thorough cleaning, leaving your upholstery looking and feeling revitalized.

RELATED ARTICLE: 5 Tips to Get the Most Out of Upholstery Cleaning Services

Welcome Spring 2024 with a Refreshed Home

As spring blossoms, take the opportunity to refresh your living space with a deep cleaning. You can embrace the season with a rejuvenated home by incorporating these techniques for carpet care, tile and grout maintenance, hardwood floor revival, and upholstery refreshment.

For a truly transformative experience, consider reaching out to Professional Surface Restoration. Our dedicated team of experts is equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to breathe new life into your home. Say goodbye to winter blues and hello to a fresh, vibrant living space.

is bleach bad for grout - professional surface restoration - toledo deep cleaning

Is Bleach Bad for Grout?

By Tile and Grout

Should you stop using bleach to scrub your grout? For many homeowners, bleach is an indispensable cleaning product in their toolkit. Despite being an effective cleaner for stubborn stains, grime, and discoloration, bleaching your grout might not be an excellent idea.

Let’s explore why bleach is not always a wise choice to clean your grout and discover the best way to clean it without diminishing its lifespan.

Too Much Bleach Can Destroy Your Grout

While bleach is effective at killing bacteria and removing stains, it can be excessively harsh on porous materials. Grout is a porous substance typically made from a mixture of cement, sand, and water, providing a stable foundation between tiles. The porous nature of grout means it can absorb liquids, which can lead to long-term damage.

When bleach comes into contact with grout, it can erode the material, weakening its structure and making it more prone to cracking and disintegration. Over time, excessive use of bleach can cause grout to become brittle and crumble, compromising the integrity of your tiled surfaces.

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Using Caustic Cleaners Could Destroy Your Grout Over Time

In addition to bleach, many commercially available cleaners contain caustic substances that can be detrimental to grout. These harsh chemicals may provide the immediate “squeaky clean” result you’re looking for, but the long-term impact on your grout can be significant.

Caustic cleaners can strip the protective seal on grout, leaving it vulnerable to moisture penetration, mold, and mildew. Keep in mind that no harsh chemicals should touch your grout or bathroom floors. Opting for a pH-neutral cleaner will help you maintain a clean and healthy environment without compromising the structural integrity of your grout.

Use pH-Neutral Cleaners

As mentioned above, a pH-neutral cleaner is one of the best alternatives to bleach for grout cleaning. These cleaners are specifically formulated to be gentle on surfaces while effectively removing dirt and stains. pH-neutral cleaners are less likely to cause damage to grout and won’t compromise the protective seal that keeps your grout in good condition.

When selecting a cleaner, make sure to read the labels and choose one that explicitly mentions its pH level. A legitimate pH-neutral grout cleaner should have a pH level of seven, no more or less. A pH-neutral cleaner will ensure your grout remains clean without the risk of deterioration over time.

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It Might Be Time to Refresh Your Grout

If your grout has already seen its fair share of wear and tear, consider refreshing or resealing it. Cleaning is ineffective when you’re dealing with worn-out grout.

Refreshing or resealing a grout involves removing and replacing the existing grout with a new layer or applying a fresh coat of sealant to protect the current grout. This process not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your tiled surfaces but also reinforces the strength and durability of the grout.

Call a Professional for Help

Maintaining your grout with a pH-neutral bathroom cleanser might be an excellent way to preserve the longevity of your grout and tiles. But if you’ve been using bleach to clean your grout, the damage might be too severe to reverse with gentle cleaning.

In such cases, calling a professional to clean your grout is critical. A skilled tile and grout cleaning service provider can assess the condition of your grout, recommend appropriate solutions, and perform necessary maintenance or repairs.

At Professional Surface Restoration, we help homeowners preserve the integrity of their tiles and grout. Contact us, and let’s refresh your room.

grout cleaning hacks - professional surface restoration

7 Grout Cleaning Hacks

By Tile and Grout

Dirty and discolored grout can be a major eyesore in any home. Over time, the grout between tiles can accumulate dirt, grime, and stains, causing it to lose its original luster. To fix this issue, here are seven grout cleaning hacks that are easy to implement and yield impressive results.

1. Scrub Using Plain Warm Water and a Stiff-Bristled Brush

Sometimes, the simplest solution is the most effective. You can use plain warm water and a stiff-bristled brush for mildly dirty grout. Dip the brush in warm water and vigorously scrub the grout lines in a circular motion. This method can work wonders, especially if you do it regularly to prevent grime buildup.

2. Spray Vinegar and Warm Water

Vinegar is a natural and versatile cleaning agent with mild acidic properties that can help dissolve stains on grout. Create a solution by mixing equal parts of warm water and white vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray the mixture onto the grout lines and then scrub. Be cautious when using vinegar on natural stone tiles, as its acidity may cause damage.

RELATED ARTICLE: 5 Tips to Get the Most Out of Upholstery Cleaning Services

3. Apply Baking Soda Paste and Spray with Vinegar

Baking soda is such a fantastic natural cleaner that, when combined with vinegar, it creates a powerful grout-cleaning paste. Mix baking soda with a small amount of water to make a thick paste. Apply it to the grout lines and let it sit. Spray the vinegar and warm water on the baking soda paste, scrub the grout lines, and rinse thoroughly.

4. Pour Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is another whitening agent that can restore the discolored grout’s original color. Pour hydrogen peroxide directly onto the grout and let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes. As it sits, it will penetrate and break down stains. Afterward, scrub the grout gently and rinse well.

5. Apply Oxygen Bleach

Oxygen bleach is excellent for removing tough stains from grout without causing damage. Follow the instructions on the product packaging and apply the oxygen bleach to the grout lines. Let it sit for the recommended time, then gently scrub the grout. Finally, rinse the area thoroughly to reveal a brighter and cleaner grout!

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6. Use Chlorine Bleach

Chlorine bleach is a powerful cleaner that removes deeply embedded stains and discoloration from grout. However, you should use it cautiously, wear protective gloves, and ensure adequate ventilation. Dilute it with water according to the manufacturer’s instructions, pour it onto the grout, scrub gently, and rinse thoroughly.

7. Use a Steam Mop

Steam mops are a modern and convenient way to clean grout effectively. The high-temperature steam helps break down dirt and grime, and the mop’s scrubbing pads agitate and lift the stains. Ensure your tiles can withstand high heat and moisture before using a steam mop, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for optimal results.

Tile and Grout Cleaning By Professional Surface Restoration

While these hacks can be highly effective, some cases may require professional attention. If you have extensive grout issues or sensitive tiles, it’s best to invest in Professional Surface Restoration’s tile and grout cleaning services.

Professional Surface Restoration has the expertise and specialized tools to tackle even the toughest grout problems, leaving your tiles and grout pristine and revitalized. Don’t let dirty and discolored grout dampen the beauty of your tiled surfaces. Contact us today!

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The Benefits of Professional Tile and Grout Cleaning

By Tile and Grout

As the most heavily used part of every home, floor tile and grout easily gets dirty despite daily maintenance. Over time and with regular use, grout can become discolored, stained, and grimy.

At this point, there’s only so much you can do to salvage the look of your floors without professional help.

Professional tile and grout cleaning is a cost-effective solution to restoring the beauty of your home’s flooring. Here are some more benefits of having your tile and grout professionally cleaned regularly.

Eliminate Bacteria and Mold Professionally

Aside from improving the appearance and quality of your home, professional cleaning effectively eliminates pathogenic bacteria, mold, and mildew that may have built up over time.

Professionals can remove dirt and grime from even the deepest crevices of your tiles and grout. This ensures a healthy environment for you and your family to live in.

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Prevent Negligent Damage to Your Tiles and Grout

Destroying your tile and grout is easy if you don’t know what you’re doing, especially if you try to clean your floors with a variety of cleaning products.

Not all chemical cleaners are suitable for your tile and grout and could do more harm than good. Moreover, scrubbing aggressively won’t make the dirt disappear faster.

Professional cleaners have the expertise and knowledge to clean your tiles and grout without damaging them. With the help of advanced steam cleaning methods, they can preserve your flooring while getting rid of all dirt and debris in one go.

Extend the Life of Tiles and Grout

Regular cleaning and maintenance could preserve your tile and grout until its stated lifespan. However, seeking a professional tile and grout cleaning service could further extend the longevity of your flooring.

Don’t take any chances when it comes to your home’s beauty, safety, and value. Professional tile and grout cleaning can help maintain its fresh look for many years. Not only does it make your house look more visually pleasing, but it also adds to the value of your house.

Save Your Time and Energy

If you’re a busy business person or a career-oriented individual chasing your dreams, tile and grout maintenance is the last thing you want to bother yourself with.

Professional cleaning services could save you time and energy. That way, you can focus on more important matters instead of spending hours cleaning your flooring. With professional tile and grout cleaning, you can maintain the best possible condition of your home without lifting a finger.

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Keep Your Tile & Grout Looking Brand New

Professional tile and grout cleaning services deliver more than just aesthetic advantages. They save you time, money, and effort and extend the durability of your flooring and other tiled surfaces.

If you’re looking for a cost-effective solution to keep your home’s flooring in pristine condition, professional tile and grout cleaning is your best option.

At Professional Surface Restoration, we provide superior and thorough tile and grout cleaning services at an affordable price. Contact us today for a free estimate and demonstration.

tile and grout cleaning tips - professional surface restoration

Common Tile and Grout Cleaning Mistakes You Should Avoid

By Tile and Grout

Keeping your tiled surfaces squeaky clean isn’t always easy — which is why some severe tile and grout blunders are best avoided.

Without the proper knowledge, it’s too easy to make a mistake that could take its toll on your tile and grout — so let us share our top tips for keeping them safe from damage!

From overzealous scrubbing to an overlooked furniture dilemma, follow our cleaning suggestions and keep those tiles looking as good as new.

Scrubbing Too Hard

First, don’t go too hard on your tile and grout. A gentle touch is the best approach!

Remember that over-scrubbing can damage surfaces, scuff up tiles, and even strip away protective sealants — leaving them more prone to future staining.

So whip out those cleaning supplies with a light hand for sparkling results without any worry about long-term harm.

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Using Harsh Cleaning Products

Not all cleaning materials are created equal.

It’s important to remember that harsh chemical-based cleaners can damage your tile and grout, leaving them dull and discolored.

The chemicals used in general-purpose cleaners, such as bleach and ammonia, can strip the sealant off your grout, resulting in a porous surface that will stain more quickly in the future.

If you want to keep your tile and grout looking its best for years to come, opt for milder pH-neutral cleaners instead — they’re great at getting rid of dirt without damaging surfaces.

Not Wiping Spills Immediately

It’s easy to think that spills are no big deal, but it’s important to remember that grout is a porous material, meaning liquids can seep in and stain it if they’re not wiped up quickly.

When you spill something on your tile and grout, clean it up immediately with a non-abrasive cloth or sponge.

If the stains are already set in, try using some oxygen bleach or an enzymatic cleaner — these solutions are great for removing stubborn stains without damaging your surfaces!

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Overwashing is another common mistake when it comes to tile and grout cleaning.

By scrubbing very hard with an abrasive brush or pad, you can remove protective sealants and cause discoloration of the grout.

To avoid this issue, use only gentle cleansers and non-abrasive tools like sponges.

Additionally, do not let the cleanser sit for too long on your surface before wiping it off — no more than five minutes maximum.

Not Protecting Tile from Furniture

Lastly, one of the most critical steps to protecting your tile and grout from damage is ensuring you are preserving it from furniture.

Furniture, especially heavier pieces, can scrape and scratch the surface of your tiles if they’re not adequately cushioned. To prevent this, use furniture glides or casters beneath all furniture situated on tile floors.

You should also consider using protective coverings — like rugs or mats — to protect the surface further and reduce any wear and tear from furniture legs.

Get Reliable Floor Restoration Services Today

With tile and grout cleaning, you can hit your mark every time or miss entirely. Avoiding these common pitfalls will help ensure you make a clean sweep instead of making a mess.

Don’t leave your property’s interior looking like something out of a horror movie — if messy DIY isn’t your thing, we’ve got you.

We have plenty of experience restoring surfaces to life with beautiful results that last much longer than our competitors. Contact Professional Surface Restoration today.

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4 Important Signs It’s Time for Tile and Grout Cleaning

By Tile and Grout

Whether it’s in your kitchen, bathroom, or hallway for your business or home, the grout and tile are an essential part of your floor’s foundation. It is extremely important to keep your tile grout in great condition — a clean tile floor can make a great first impression for your home or business. If not cleaned properly, it can easily collect bacteria and can bring danger to anyone inside. Not only that, uncleaned tile and grout can reflect poorly on the business or the essence of the home.

Here are signs you need to focus on to determine it is time for tile and grout cleaning from professionals.

1. Your Grout and Tile Are Stained or Discolored

Un-removable stains and discoloration is the primary sign that your grout and tile need deep cleaning. Your grout and tile are going to get stained and discolored as dirt and grime accumulate. If these stains and discoloration remain no matter how much you clean, your ultimate solution is to seek the assistance of professional tile and grout cleaning services.

RELATED ARTICLE: 3 Reasons to Deep Clean Your Property Before Winter Arrives

2. Your Tile and Grout Have Water Damage

If your tile and grout are exposed to water and moisture without regular cleaning, they may experience water damage. One telltale way to detect water damage is if your tiles sound hollow or feel loose.

Water damage can accelerate the deterioration of your tile and grout. To keep your tile flooring safe, get regular tile and grout cleaning services from professionals. A tile and grout cleaning service can provide deep cleaning and restoration services.

3. Your Tile and Grout Appear Dull

Your tile and grout should be vibrant and should bring beauty to your home or business establishment. If you notice that your tile and grout appear dull, then it is a good sign that your floors need to be professionally cleaned. Scratches, dirt, and residue accumulation over time can make your tiles look less appealing. A professional surface restoration company can thoroughly clean and polish your tiles so they look brand new.

RELATED ARTICLE: Reasons a Professional Cleaning Service Is the Best Way to Get Tough Stains Out of Tile and Grout

4. Despite Your Best Efforts, Your Tile and Grout Just Seem To Get Dirtier

As a property owner, cleaning your tile and grout should be part of your responsibilities. However, if you notice that your tile and grout seem to get dirtier despite your best efforts of cleaning them, you will need the help of a professional cleaner. If your tile and grout have been collecting dirt, dust, and grime, and have constantly been exposed to moisture, their condition will deteriorate, making them look unattractive. A professional cleaner has the right tools, cleaning equipment, and tried-and-true cleaning techniques to properly clean tile and grout and restore them to their original condition.

You can maintain the condition of your grout and tile by routinely cleaning them. However, if you notice any of the warning signs we have listed, you should contact a reputable and trusted cleaning company to do the cleaning for you. They can provide a professional tile and grout cleaning and restoration service and ensure that your tile and grout will stay in excellent condition.

To maximize your tile surfaces’ life, it is important to include regular professional cleaning and resealing. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for your professional tile and grout cleaning.


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Why Hiring a Professional for Tile and Grout Cleaning Is Important in Your Home

By Deep Cleaning, Holiday Cleaning, Tile and Grout

Many homeowners favor tile and grout because it improves the appearance of your home and makes it healthier for you to live in. Hiring a professional tile & grout cleaner is essential for making the surface of the tiles look new again, removing any scratches or stains that may be there.

The Benefits of Having Clean Tiles and Grout in Your House

Extends the Lifespan of Your Flooring

Tile and grout cleaning helps extend the life of your flooring by preventing damage and dirt from accumulating. If you physically try to clean the tiles yourself, at best, you will be unable to remove all the stains and dirt; at worst, you may end up damaging your tile surface or loosening its adhesive. The use of chemicals in such a case can be dangerous to you and your family if not done correctly.

RELATED ARTICLE: Reasons a Professional Cleaning Service Is the Best Way to Get Tough Stains Out of Tile and Grout

Maintains Beautiful Flooring

Professional tile and grout cleaners can help you restore the beauty of your tiles. They are trained to clean the type of surface you have at home, whether natural stone or porcelain tile. Cleaning compounds are tailored to remove dirt from different kinds of surfaces. This helps you keep the beautiful look of your tiles for years to come.

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Kills Bacteria and Germs

Tile and grout cleaning kills bacteria, germs, and other microorganisms found on the tile. There are no diseases that could harm your children or pets as a result of this procedure. Tile cleaning must be part of the general cleaning of your house for this reason.

Why Hire a Professional Tile & Grout Cleaner?

Time-consuming Procedure

Tile and grout cleaning is considered time-consuming; it can take up to four hours for an expert to clean, scrub, and rinse the tiles in one room. If you are not careful, this job may take up more of your time than anticipated. A professional tile cleaner will use techniques that ensure that the most work is done in the least time possible.

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Professionals Have the Right Equipment

Professional tile and grout cleaners use specialized equipment for each kind of job they do at home, ensuring that your tiles are as clean as possible within the shortest time possible. They also know how to use this equipment safely, ensuring that your family members are out of the danger zone while working.

Removes Residue and Contaminants

Using a steam-vacuum extraction method ensures that tile and grout cleaning helps to remove residue from the tiles, whether dirt or stains. This allows you to get rid of all contaminants in one visit.

To maximize your tile surfaces’ life, it is important to include regular professional cleaning and resealing. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for your professional tile and grout cleaning.

health hazards in dirty tile and grout - professional surface restoration

Health Hazards Hidden in Dirty Tile and Grout

By antimicrobial floor coating, Deep Cleaning, Tile and Grout

Just because you mopped your tile floor doesn’t mean it’s clean. Dirt and microbes may be hiding in the grout regardless of how often you clean your tile floor. Tiles tend to trap the dirt and even the odors from these sources.

Consider Professional Surface Restoration to deep clean your tile and grout. We specialize in cleaning hard surfaces, effectively getting rid of hidden dirt and trapped odors, and bringing your floor back to the original state you remember.

Dangers of the Five-Second Rule

It’s about time to retire the belief that you can still safely eat anything off the floor if it hasn’t been down there for five seconds. Harmful bacteria do not wait five seconds before infecting food.

Your kitchen, dining areas, or any room with tiled floors are at risk of harboring bacteria that may harm your entire family.

RELATED ARTICLE: 3 Reasons to Deep Clean Your Property Before Winter Arrives

Keep your tile and grout free of bacteria with Professional Surface Restoration. If you could prevent children from eating dropped food, you would. Children will do anything, so it would be best to ensure your floors are as clean as possible.

Common Germs and Bacteria in Dirty Tile and Grout

Germs pose several health risks for your eyes, lungs, and stomach. Here are some dangerous bacteria that commonly thrive in dirty grout:

  • Streptococcus: Strep bacteria trapped in tile and grout can be airborne and cause a sore throat, specifically called strep throat. This condition includes fever and pain when swallowing. It is more common among children than adults.
  • Staphylococcus: This contagious germ spreads through skin-to-skin contact, resulting in several skin infections. Staph bacteria may cause blisters, boils, and cellulitis, a condition that causes redness, swelling, and pain.
  • Escherichia Coli: Commonly known as E-coli, this bacteria commonly affects children. Adults then contract E-coli through their children. E-coli infection leads to painful illnesses, such as abdominal pain, extreme diarrhea, and vomiting.
  • Salmonella: This bacteria spread through contaminated food and water. Salmonella also thrives in bathroom tiles. Children and adults with weak immune systems have a high risk of developing salmonella-associated adverse symptoms, including abdominal pain, chills, diarrhea, fever, and vomiting.
  • Campylobacter: Like other common bacteria in this list, campylobacter affects children. Infants crawling on the floor also run risks of contracting this bacteria. Affected people may experience bloating, cramping, diarrhea, and fever.

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Dirty Tile Floors, Dirty Air

Bacteria hiding in dirty tile and grout contribute to poor indoor air quality. Poor air quality may cause the following health effects:

  • Confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Irritation (eyes, nose, and throat)
  • Nausea

Meticulous and Professional Cleaning Solution

Professional deep cleaning services can effectively restore any home with tiled floors to ensure overall health and safety for the entire family. However, you may still have to deep clean your grout and tiles occasionally to maintain their condition. Here are some tips on how to clean dirty tile and grout properly:

  1. Wipe down visible dust with a damp cloth.
  2. Use a baking soda, vinegar, and water solution to clean tiles.
  3. Use a toothbrush to clean between tiles.
  4. Allow the solution to sit before scrubbing.
  5. Rinse the tiles with water.

If you perform these tips and still notice stains on your grout or tiles, consider professional cleaning services to save you the trouble. Get in touch with our experts at Professional Surface Restoration to discuss your options today!

spring deep cleaning by professional surface restoration

Why You Should Do Spring Deep Cleaning

By Carpet Cleaning, COVID-19, Deep Cleaning, Furniture Cleaning, Spring Cleaning, Tile and Grout, Upholstery Cleaning

Deep cleaning your carpet, upholstery, tiles, and wood flooring are vital to maintaining the overall condition of your property. As the name suggests, deep cleaning covers areas that aren’t usually covered by regular cleaning and ensures that your home is free from deep grime and dirt. While you can deep clean your home any time of the year, it’s best if you do it during spring. Spring deep cleaning is actually beneficial as it provides these benefits:

Makes You Happier

Living in a home with dirty floors, carpets and tiles can be very stressful. Instead of being relaxed, your mind will race, and you’ll experience anxiety as you’ll worry about when and how you’re going to clean these areas.

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Choosing to hire professionals to deep clean your home during spring can prevent such occurrences and ensure that you become happier. You’ll feel refreshed and lighter when your home’s floors, carpets, and tiles are clean.

Boosts Productivity

Living in an unsanitary environment can take a toll on your productivity. A dirty carpet, for example, can trap dust, dirt, and other allergens that can prevent you from working at home. Instead of sending several emails during the day, using a dirty carpet at home can cause a runny nose and watery eyes that make it challenging for you to work.

Another benefit you can experience when you hire professionals to deep clean your home during spring is increased productivity. When your home is clean and free of pesky allergens, you can focus on your tasks because you won’t be too busy treating and managing health problems.

Saves Money

Everything inside your home is your investment. You’ve spent a lot of money on the purchase of your carpets and the installation of your tiles and wood floorings. Neglecting the maintenance of these investments will require you to spend more money in the long run as you’ll have to pay for its repairs or replacements.

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When you hire professionals to deep clean your home, you won’t have to worry about breaking the bank as their services are actually cost-effective investments. Cleaning companies have the equipment to deep clean your carpets, tiles, and floors to maintain its condition long-term.

Regularly paying for their services will allow you to enjoy your investment for years without spending money on repairs or replacements.

Increases the Cleanliness of Your Home

Regularly swiping different surfaces around your home isn’t always enough to make the area germ-free. Viruses and bacteria can still thrive beneath your tiles, carpets, and flooring and infect your family even after wiping your surfaces.

Deep cleaning aims to kill viruses and bacteria from the source of the problem, so you won’t have to worry about infections and other health problems in the future. Hiring professionals to deep clean your home during spring allows you and your family to enjoy a cleaner and safer home.

Hire Professionals

Deep cleaning can improve the condition of your home and health, which is why you should schedule one every spring when the pollen and other allergens are at their worst. You can even get the best results from deep cleaning your home when you let professionals take on this task for you.

Please call Professional Surface Restoration at (419) 705-8693 to schedule an appointment or request a free estimate.