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Because of the ongoing pandemic, COVID-19 disinfecting has become a must for every household. However, many homeowners think cleaning is the same as disinfecting. Read on to learn more about how cleaning is different from disinfecting, how each process can help you fight diseases, and how to address high-touch areas.

Cleaning vs. Disinfecting

Cleaning is a process that typically uses soap or detergent and water to remove dirt, dust, crumbs, and grime from objects and surfaces. Constant home cleaning is a healthy habit, but don’t mistake it for disinfecting. While cleaning kills some germs, it’s not as effective as disinfecting in lowering the risk of acquiring diseases such as COVID-19.

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On the other hand, disinfecting is a process that uses chemicals or disinfectants to kill germs on objects and surfaces. It aims to lower the number of germs in an area to a safe level. Usually, homeowners use alcohol solutions and bleach to disinfect rooms.

COVID-19 Disinfecting and Cleaning

So far, what we know about the novel coronavirus is that it primarily spreads through droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or speaks. You can get the virus by touching a contaminated surface and then touching your eyes, nose, or mouth right after.

The virus can stay on a surface anywhere between a few hours up to several days — which means if you interact with someone with the virus, it could spread on things in your home like clothes, couches, towels, and beds.

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You can avoid the spread of the virus by social distancing, wearing masks, and washing your hands. And in your home, you can practice proper COVID-19 disinfecting and cleaning habits.

We have some tips on how you can keep your home as safe as possible during the pandemic:

  • The first step in any cleaning or disinfecting activity is to wear disposable gloves or reusable ones dedicated to cleaning and disinfecting.
  • At least twice a week, you should clean and disinfect high-touch areas in your home like carpets, doorknobs, and bathrooms. Once a week, you can work on the rest of your home as well.
  • Follow the instructions on the bottles. You have to strictly follow the contact time before rinsing out cleaners and disinfectants. Otherwise, they will not be as effective in killing germs.
  • If possible, keep a sick person in a separate bedroom and bathroom.

Advantages of a Professional Cleaning Company

While you can disinfect and clean your home as often as needed, you still need professional cleaning and disinfecting services at least once a month. You might also need emergency services, like when you have visitors. Here are some reasons why you should hire a professional cleaning company:

  • No area left unturned: Professional cleaners will clean and disinfect every nook and cranny in your home, from your HVAC system to your bathrooms.
  • Long-term savings: You can get more life out of your carpets, upholstery, and drapes with a regular deep cleaning.
  • Top-quality cleaning: Our professional cleaners, advanced equipment, and systematic cleaning methods guarantee a safer, healthier home.

Professional Surface Restoration is a licensed and insured cleaning company in Toledo, Ohio. We provide affordable, high-quality COVID-19 disinfecting and cleaning services. You may reach us through or (419)705-8693 to schedule a free, no-obligation demonstration.