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Pros and Cons of Epoxy Floors

By Epoxy Floors

epoxy flooEpoxy is a floor coating that consists of an epoxide resin, hardener, and other stabilizing ingredients that, when mixed, trigger a chemical reaction. Concrete floors coated with an epoxy finish are sealed and cured, giving the floor additional durable qualities. This short guide to the pros and cons of epoxy floors can help you determine if they are the right choice for you.

Pro of Epoxy Floors

Epoxy flooring has a number of pros, making it one of the most popular types of commercial flooring. Pros include:

  • Durability. Perhaps the most commonly discussed characteristic of epoxy flooring is its ability to withstand foot and machine traffic. Epoxy also has an excellent lifespan and can last decades without cracking, pebbling, or needing replaced.
  • Resistance. Unlike many other types of floors, epoxy can resist nearly everything you might find in a commercial space, including shock, heat, oil products, chemical cleaners, water, and more. Epoxy is impervious to stains from these products and resists viruses and bacteria, making it easy to sanitize.
  • Affordability. Epoxy flooring can be applied directly over a bare concrete floor, drastically cutting installation costs compared to other types of flooring. In addition, the cost of the epoxy coating itself is much lower than other commercial flooring types.
  • Appearance. Compared to other types of commercial flooring, epoxy has a bright, clean appearance that can be customized with various color or texture additives. Spill and stain resistant properties ensure an attractive appearance remains over its lifespan.

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Cons of Epoxy Flooring

Although excellent for nearly all commercial applications, epoxy does have a few cons, as does every other type of flooring. Cons include:

  • Slip. Some types of oil-resistant epoxy flooring are more slippery than others. However, most epoxy floors are relatively skid-resistant under the proper conditions. Many business owners choose to add slip-resistant aggregate to their epoxy floor applications to combat slip.
  • Preparation. Preparing concrete floors for quality epoxy application can be time-consuming and intensive. The floor must be cleaned and thoroughly dried before application. Special care must be taken to ensure no remaining dirt or moisture affects the integrity of the epoxy coating.
  • Difficult Removal. If the epoxy coating is not applied correctly or you wish to change flooring types, epoxy removal can present a significant hurdle. Epoxy is difficult to remove and quite labor-intensive. Fortunately, most epoxy flooring owners never experience issues leading to removal.

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Epoxy floors remain one of the most popular commercial flooring types for a reason – the list of pros truly outweigh any cons involved for most businesses. What’s more, Professional Surface Restoration has the professional techniques and equipment necessary to help you keep your epoxy floors in top condition.

If you’re ready to learn more about our commercial floor cleaning services, contact us today.