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The snow has melted, the sun is shining, and the flowers are starting to bloom. It can only mean one thing: spring is here! As we say goodbye to winter and hello to a new season, it’s time for a deep clean. Winter can be harsh on your home, leaving behind a lot of dirt and grime.

Check out these tips on spring deep cleaning tips:

1. Deep Cleaning Your Carpets

Over the winter, your carpets may have seen a lot of foot traffic. To deep clean your carpets, start by vacuuming them thoroughly. Then, treat any stains with a carpet cleaner. Once the cleaner has had a chance to work its magic, go over the stain with a clean cloth or sponge.

Once your carpets are stain-free, it’s time to tackle the dirt and grime that’s been ground into them. To do this, you’ll need to rent a carpet cleaner or hire a professional.

2. Cleaning Natural Stone Floors

Natural stone floors are beautiful, but they can be a bit tricky to clean. Do not use a cleaner with too much acid or alkaline, as this can damage the stone. Instead, opt for a pH-neutral cleaner. Mop the floor with your water and cleaner solution and use a microfiber cloth to avoid scratching the stone’s surface.

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Finally, a sealing agent can help protect your natural stone floors from future damage. It’s best to have a professional apply the sealer to ensure it’s done correctly.

3. Cleaning Tile and Grout

Tile and grout can be a pain to clean, but it’s important to do it regularly to prevent buildup. Start by sweeping or vacuuming the floor to remove any loose dirt and mop the floor using soap and water. For tougher stains, you can make a paste out of baking soda and water. Apply the paste to the stain and let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing with a brush. Once you’re finished, rinse the area with clean water.

4. Deep Cleaning Concrete

Concrete is a porous material, so it’s important to clean it regularly to prevent stains and dirt from setting in. You can do this by removing any dirt or debris with a broom or vacuum. Then, make a solution of bleach and water. Apply the solution to the concrete and rinse it away with clean water.

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5. Wood Floor Cleaning

Wood floors are an attractive addition to any home, but they require special care. Use a vacuum with a floor-brush attachment or a broom to remove any dirt and dust. Then, mop the floor with a mixture of water and wood cleaner. Be sure to avoid using too much water as this can damage the wood.

When to Call in the Deep Cleaning Pros

There’s no wrong time to call in deep cleaning professionals. Many have found it extremely beneficial to leave the job to the pros.

You’ll have your carpets, tile grout, and wood floors looking as good as new when you have an expert come in for the job. Difficult to accomplish tasks such as stone and concrete cleaning work best with a power washer, and even better when a professional comes in to seal it after.

Professionals are armed with the skills and the right equipment to tackle any job, big or small.  More importantly, they can do the cleaning that you don’t want to.