Whether you are living in an apartment or your home, having a carpet provides plenty of benefits. For one, carpets are able to provide comfort and will surely bring a welcoming ambiance to any room.
However, did you know that your carpets may be one of the dirtiest parts of your home? This is because dirt and grime may accumulate in the carpet’s material, which endangers people who are susceptible to allergies. Hence, it is best to regularly clean our carpets.
The question, however, is should you clean your carpet yourself, or entrust a professional to do the job for you? If you decide to clean your carpet yourself, it is best to avoid the following mistakes:
Using the Wrong Product
The major mistake of cleaning one’s carpet without the help or advice of a professional is using just about any product. People usually think that just because you have a little spot on the carpet, you can just rub it off with detergent, soap, or even alcohol. However, this is not the case.
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Take note that the carpet, as a whole, is made from various materials. Each of these materials should be treated and handled differently. For instance, a cleaning product made specifically for fibers may not work with burlap fabric or felt.
Rubbing Too Much
You may have noticed in movies or commercials that a person rubs their carpet vigorously when they are cleaning. However, do not follow such practice. Doing so may push your cleaning product down too far, so you may not remove the stain that is on the surface. Additionally, using too much elbow grease can damage the carpet’s material, which will result in fraying and twisting — shortening your carpet’s lifespan.
Avoiding These Mistakes
Now that you know some of the common mistakes you can make when cleaning your carpet yourself, it is best to have some ideas on how to avoid them in the first place.
Follow Manufacturer’s Advice
If you have no clue on the kind of product that is appropriate for your carpet, check the manufacturer’s guidelines. If you sourced your carpet from a reputable carpet seller online, then you may go to their website to read some vital information. Additionally, if you purchased your carpet in a physical store, ask for the salesperson in charge.
Blot It
Instead of rubbing your carpet vigorously, try to blot it, gently patting it with a clean cloth. Doing so allows the surface stain to be absorbed in the cloth, resulting in a nice, clean carpet.
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Why Leave the Cleaning To Professionals
Still, if you want to completely avoid the mistakes entailed in carpet cleaning, hire a professional to do the job for you. Not only will a trusted carpet cleaning save you time and hassle from cleaning your carpet, but doing so allows you to enjoy the following benefits:
- Safeguard your health
- Have a clean and healthy room
- Extend the lifespan of your carpet
- Remove odor and dust
If you have experience cleaning carpets before and you are certain that you can do the job properly, then you may clean your carpet without the help of a professional. However, if you do not have prior experience, hiring a professional is certainly the best option for you to take.
For the best floor cleaning services in the Toledo area, contact Professional Surface Restoration. We’ll have your floors looking tip-top this spring and beyond.